Sunday, 17 June 2012

Summary on Nazi Propaganda by Roshan & Maran

Summary on Nazi Propaganda

Roshan Ragumaran & Maran PakeerathanMay 1, 2012

Propagandas were used to influence the German citizen to support the NSDAP (Nazi Party) during Adolf Hitler’s leadership of Germany. Propagandas were not the only communication tool Adolf Hitler used to persuade the people of Germany, he used books, movies, art, music, radio, press, and even newspapers. Many Jewish people were hurt emotionaly by the tools Adolf Hitler used, so they tried destroying them. In The Book Thief Death says (1)“There were the erased pages of Mein Kampf, gagging, suffocating under the paint as they turned.”  According to the article Nazi Propaganda German children read anti-Jewish propaganda books such as DER GIFTPILZ ( "The Poisonous Mushroom").  Adolf Hitler was very serious about communicating his messages across Germany, so he established a Ministry that focused only on communicating tools such as propagandas. It was led by Joseph Goebbels; he was appointed the minister of propaganda by Adolf Hitler.

According to the article Nazi Propaganda the movies that were made to discriminate Jews portrayed them as “subhuman” creatures. An example of a Movie is “The Eternal Jew (1940), directed by Fritz Hippler, portrayed Jews as wandering cultural parasites, consumed by sex and money.”. Propaganda played a huge role in the mass murder of Jews, Nazi propaganda was vital to persuade almost all the German citizens that Jews did not belong in Germany. In The Book Thief (2)Lisel loses hope and begins to disdain the written word, having learned that Hitler’s propaganda is to blame for the war and the holocaust.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. "A Forgotten Suitcase: The Mantello Rescue Mission" Online Exhibitions. Accessed on May 1st 2012.

Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief. New York; Alfred A. Knopf, 2006.

Foot Notes:

  1. Page 237 → Narrated by “Death” → Chapter: PAGES FROM THE BASEMENT
  2. Website:

        Watch video to clear your self with any confusion about Nazi Propaganda.         


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